Evolution and multiple kerberos tickets for GSSAPI authenticated email accounts

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu m3freak at thesandhufamily.ca
Fri Sep 11 14:44:25 UTC 2015

Hi Everyone,

If I want to use Evolution for email and configure more than one email
account with all of them setup to use GSSAPI auth, how do I then get
more than one kerberos ticket? I tried to configure two accounts (same
domain), but Evolution complained a ticket for the second one didn't
exist. I can switch back and forth by destroying one and getting a
ticket for the other so I know GSSAPI auth works.

I read the kinit man page and noticed more than one cache can be used.
I think that's what I need to do for the above to work, but I don't
know how to automatically enable it. I also don'e know how to configure
Evolution to use something other than the default cache.

I've done some searching online and so far I haven't found anything.
I'm likely using the wrong search terms because there's no way no one
else hasn't tried this already. :)

Is what I'm trying nuts?

Kanwar R.S. Sandhu

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