Save a VM -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at
Tue Feb 2 20:02:18 UTC 2016

On 02/02/16 11:16, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On 02/02/2016 01:36 AM, Bob Goodwin 
> wrote:
>> Can someone point me to an 
>> instruction for doing so? 
> The short version would be that you'd 
> copy the disk images to the other 
> host, and the VM definition in 
> /etc/libvirt/qemu/<guest>.xml.  If any 
> paths changed, fix guest.xml on the 
> destination host.  Then, "virsh define 
> <guest>.xml" to add the configuration 
> on the destination host.

Ok, but before attempting that I thought 
I would try a new install in the second 
computer that I have been playing with 
but can't do that, then it says:

There is not enough free space on the 
storage pool to create the volume. 
(22528 M requested allocation > 13360 M 

So I began deleting files but nothing 
help this. Can you tell me where the 
"storage pool" is located so I can clear 
it and perhaps make it larger?

Thanks for the response,


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3

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