F23 i686; Old Gateway NetBook; b43; NetworkManager; network; hassles . .

Philip Rhoades phil at pricom.com.au
Wed Feb 24 21:53:55 UTC 2016


I have installed the b43 WiFi driver (from memory I think I had problems 
with the b43-fwcutter RPM and had to install it manually) but in any 
case it works generally with this old NetBook both in X and from the 
console - _IF_ I log in from the netbook first . . if I reboot the 
NetBook remotely and try and ssh to it when it comes back up, the 
network isn't accessible.  So I thought I would go through the exercise 
of getting rid of NetworkManager and going back to a traditional network 
setup and I followed the instructions here:


- which didn't actually work - the problem is, as soon as I do:

   systemctl stop NetworkManager

the little LED WiFi light goes out on the keyboard and it seems there is 
nothing I can do to get it on again - the manual slider switch does not 
work (I just get kbd unrecognised key errors).  lsmod reports that all 
the modules are still loaded as for NetworkManager.  As soon as I 
restart NetworkManager, the WiFi light comes back on - so the question 
is: what is NM doing to enable the WiFi switch?  I think if I could find 
that out, I could get the traditional networking to function . .

 From the attached /var/log/messages, you can see the result of:

   systemctl stop NetworkManager

before the:


and  the result of:

   systemctl start NetworkManager

after.  You can see the wlan0 deauthenticating and "link is not ready" 

Not sure where to go from here - suggestions?


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au
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