dvdstyler problem, segfaults

stan stanl-fedorauser at vfemail.net
Mon Feb 29 01:39:30 UTC 2016

On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 19:13:48 -0500
Fred Smith <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us> wrote:

> Hi all!
> This is in regard to a Fedora-20 system I use when converting VHS
> tapes to DVD.
> I would really rather NOT update to a later fedora--it is used for
> that one purpose only, and it took some effort to find andlearn the
> tools I needed to do the job.
> So, a year or so ago I converted probably a hundred tapes to DVD.
> Tedious, but doable without real trouble.
> The system sits idle for some months, then I come back to it to use it
> again, and I find that when I'm ready to create the ISO image, for
> which I have used dvdstyler, that dvdstyler segfaults early in its
> operation.
> I've not found a way to do what I need that doesn't segfault.
> This is weird, because it has hardly even been "yum update"-ed during
> the interval. what would have changed? I dunno...
> So, after a lot of head-banging I decided it is probably easiest to
> just recompile dvdstyler to see if that avoids the problem. (I've
> already tried reinstalling it...).
> I set up mock on the box and proceed to try a build, using this
> command:


> I'd appreciate some suggestions here, I'm not particularly fluent in
> mock.

I can't help you with the mock issue.  I'd like to be fluent, but I
haven't taken the time to learn.  Instead, I just set up an rpmbuild
environment on the box, by running, as user, 
This puts an rpmbuild directory in ~.  Then, using the src.rpm, run 
rpm -ivh [name.src.rpm]
as the user to set the package up for build in the rpmbuild tree.  Then
rpmbuild -bb [name].spec
in the ~/rpmbuild/SPECS directory.

The built binary package should be in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/[architecture]/.
You can yum update or reinstall it with
yum -C ./[binary rpm package]

Unlike mock builds, this isn't happening in a chroot, so it has access
to all the build environment on the machine.  Building for a single
machine that you will install the package on is easier that way.  Mock
is way more sophisticated, but also more complex, especially for out of
date versions.

It might be even easier to just go to rpmfusion.org and download the
dvdstyler package for f22.  If the requirements are met on your box, it
should just install using the same yum -C command as above.  Worth a

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