[fedora-virt] reporting virtualization bugs

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Mon Apr 20 17:55:27 UTC 2009

  some random thoughts, possibly related to this page:


1) somewhere near the front, i might suggest running any or all of the

  $ lsmod | grep kvm
  $ ls -l /dev/kvm
  $ ls -l /sys/class/misc/kvm

  in case that needs to be reported.

2) would it be possible to have the actual, underlying qemu-related
commands added to the guest log file?  i recall watching the output of
"ps -ef" when i was installing a guest once, and was curious about the
lengthy invocation of qemu-kvm that was doing all of the work.  having
a record of that actual command would be spectacularly handy, as well
as having any other initialization commands, like qemu-img.  is any of
that already stored somewhere?  (it occurs to me that much of that
might be in XML form and available with "virsh dumpxml Guest").

  more later as it occurs to me.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

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