[fedora-virt] libguestfs - no ext3 support building on CentOS 5

Charles Duffy charles at dyfis.net
Wed May 27 20:21:40 UTC 2009

Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> You've tried setting buildnonet to 0 (ie. the opposite of what's in
> the specfile)?  It should then download the required packages from the
> EPEL repositories, although I've not tested that option in a while ...
Ahh -- I was running rpmbuild --define 'buildnonet 0', but the spec file 
doesn't actually respect any preset value. Might I suggest "%global 
buildnonet 0%{!?buildwithnet:1}"?

Setting buildnonet to 0 does refer to remote yum sources as expected -- 
but that doesn't go happily either, it smells to me like it's trying to 
refer to Fedora-devel packages, which the older EL yum can't handle:

[Errno -3] Error performing checksum
Trying other mirror.
|  10 MB     00:02    
[Errno -3] Error performing checksum
Trying other mirror.
[...and so on, for other mirrors attempted]

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