[fedora-virt] libvirt/kvm features status? (magic-key, serial console, migration)

Ján ONDREJ (SAL) ondrejj at salstar.sk
Mon Mar 29 13:31:15 UTC 2010


  I am missing some features from xen in KVM, specially sending special keys
to guest or watching console.

  With XEN there was "xm sysrq" command to send magic-keys to guest. How can
I send special keys to qemu/kvm using virsh? Is it possible?
Sometimes I need to sync data to guest disks (for example before disk
snapshot). It is possible to do this using qemu sendkey command, but I don't
know, how to do this on qemu managed guests.

  Next thing is serial console. I have serial console on my guests, but when
kernel crashes or something else happens, I can't check what happened.
With xen by starting "xm console" displays all chars logged on console after
last "xm console" command. With qemu/kvm only new characters are displayed.
Can I configure libvirt to log all all characters received on virtual serial
console to file and at the same time to allow "virsh console" command?

  And latest question. I am trying to play with cluster* packages. Is there
some howto for virtualization setup? Especially I am trying to set autostart
for virtual machines, but only if there is no same machine running on
different host. When some host goes off, I need to start it on alternate
host, but when it's started back, some VMs can start on 2 hosts at same
time, what can destroy data on my shared disks.


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