[fedora-virt] virt-install: not a bootable disk on VM creation

sguazt marco.guazzone at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 08:51:25 UTC 2012


I recently get the following error message from virt-install which
unable me to create new VMs:

Boot from Hard Disk failed: not a bootable disk

The command that I use to create a new VM is:

sudo virt-install -v -l
http://mirror3.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CentOS/6.2/os/x86_64 --ram 1024
--disk path=./images/olio_ruby-c62_64-xen.img,size=10 --name
olio_ruby-c62_64  --graphics
vnc,password=foobar,port=5901,listen= --debug

I've also tried with another distro:

sudo virt-install -v -l
--ram 1024 --disk path=./images/olio_ruby-f17_64-xen.img,size=10
--name olio_ruby-f17_64  --graphics
vnc,password=foobar,port=5904,listen= --debug

but the problem persists.

This is strange since until recently I was able to successfully create
a new VM with the above commands.

Before reporting a bug I would like to know some opinion since I am
not an expert in this field.

Some possibly useful info:

Host system:
  Fedora 16 x86_64 with kernel 3.4.2-1.fc16.x86_64 and fully
up-to-date (according to yum)

  release                : 3.4.2-1.fc16.x86_64
  version                : #1 SMP Thu Jun 14 20:17:26 UTC 2012
  machine                : x86_64
  nr_cpus                : 4
  nr_nodes               : 1
  cores_per_socket       : 4
  threads_per_core       : 1
  cpu_mhz                : 2400
  hw_caps                :
  virt_caps              : hvm
  total_memory           : 4094
  free_memory            : 1046
  free_cpus              : 0
  xen_major              : 4
  xen_minor              : 1
  xen_extra              : .2
  xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p
hvm-3.0-x86_32 hvm-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_64
  xen_scheduler          : credit
  xen_pagesize           : 4096
  platform_params        : virt_start=0xffff800000000000
  xen_changeset          : unavailable
  xen_commandline        : placeholder
  cc_compiler            : gcc version 4.6.3 20120306 (Red Hat 4.6.3-2) (GCC)
  cc_compile_by          : mockbuild
  cc_compile_domain      : phx2.fedoraproject.org
  cc_compile_date        : Mon May  7 23:28:57 UTC 2012
  xend_config_format     : 4

For your interest, here are some snippets of various logs (I've added
only the most interesting parts):

- /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log:
2012-06-24 08:28:04.399+0000: 1195: error : virNetSocketReadWire:912 :
End of file while reading data: Input/output error

- /var/log/xen/xend.log
[2012-06-20 14:55:29 1106] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:260)
XendDomainInfo.createDormant({'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight':
256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'use_tmp_kernel':
False, 'devices': {'adb0a566-cb2a-cd60-0e77-262f089d4d06': ('vbd',
{'uuid': 'adb0a566-cb2a-cd60-0e77-262f089d4d06', 'bootable': 0,
'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'mode': 'r', 'VDI':
'', 'backend': '0'}), '5c063c17-4b63-7ffb-9ed9-7033864998ee': ('vfb',
{'vncunused': '0', 'other_config': {'vncunused': '0', 'vnc': '1',
'vnclisten': '', 'vncdisplay': '4', 'vncpasswd': 'XXXXXXXX',
'keymap': 'en-us'}, 'vnc': '1', 'uuid':
'5c063c17-4b63-7ffb-9ed9-7033864998ee', 'vnclisten': '',
'vncdisplay': '4', 'vncpasswd': 'XXXXXXXX', 'keymap': 'en-us',
'location': ''}), '91500fef-ba69-2d52-3909-c44de37aa543':
('vif', {'bridge': 'virbr0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:e3:fa:32', 'script':
'/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'uuid':
'91500fef-ba69-2d52-3909-c44de37aa543', 'backend': '0'}),
'ea7ee8d5-2611-22fd-939a-06ac7b2d3ab4': ('console', {'protocol':
'vt100', 'location': '3', 'uuid':
'1c22e2d8-34b8-f54f-8917-3577a3b52cb1': ('vkbd', {'uuid':
'1c22e2d8-34b8-f54f-8917-3577a3b52cb1', 'backend': '0'}),
'5cedc9f6-9a0d-4113-a8c9-05fe7a30d65e': ('vbd', {'uuid':
'5cedc9f6-9a0d-4113-a8c9-05fe7a30d65e', 'bootable': 1, 'driver':
'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda:disk', 'uname':
'file:/home/testbed/images/winXP.img', 'mode': 'w', 'VDI': '',
'backend': '0'})}, 'memory_sharing': 0, 'superpages': '0',
'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash':
'restart', 'vbd_refs': ['5cedc9f6-9a0d-4113-a8c9-05fe7a30d65e',
'adb0a566-cb2a-cd60-0e77-262f089d4d06'], 'PV_ramdisk': '',
'is_control_domain': False, 'name_label': 'winXP', 'VCPUs_at_startup':
1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'tsc_mode': '0',
'timer_mode': '1', 'usb': '1', 'hpet': '0', 'device_model':
'/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm', 'vpt_align': '1', 'nomigrate': '0',
'boot': 'c', 'rtc_timeoffset': '1', 'loader':
'/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'xen_platform_pci': '1', 'acpi': '1',
'pci': [], 'pae': '1', 'apic': '1', 'serial': 'pty', 'viridian': '0',
'parallel': 'none'}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs':
'5c063c17-4b63-7ffb-9ed9-7033864998ee'], 'vif_refs':
['91500fef-ba69-2d52-3909-c44de37aa543'], 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore',
'pool_name': 'Pool-0', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy':
'BIOS order', 'description': '', 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time':
1338369536.8, 'memory_static_max': 1073741824,
'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'use_tmp_ramdisk': False,
'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'memory_dynamic_max': 1073741824,
'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False,
'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1073741824, 'uuid':
'73abb58e-a567-b761-9aa6-4f4c388125c1', 'cpu_time': 38.523277069,
'shadow_memory': 9, 'target': 0, 'vcpu_avail': 1L, 'notes':
{'SUSPEND_CANCEL': '1'}, 'other_config': {}, 'auto_power_on': False,
'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'Description': '', 'status': '1',
'vtpm_refs': []})

- /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-olio_ruby-c62_64.log
domid: 2
config qemu network with xen bridge for  tap2.0 virbr0
Using file /home/testbed/images/olio_ruby-c62_64-xen.img in read-write mode
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/logdirty/cmd
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/command
Watching /local/domain/2/cpu
char device redirected to /dev/pts/2
qemu_map_cache_init nr_buckets = 10000 size 4194304
shared page at pfn feffd
buffered io page at pfn feffb
Guest uuid = 59448e26-2dda-8114-86f1-9c8e57723f87
Time offset set 0
populating video RAM at ff000000
mapping video RAM from ff000000
Register xen platform.
Done register platform.
platform_fixed_ioport: changed ro/rw state of ROM memory area. now is rw state.
xs_read(/local/domain/0/device-model/2/xen_extended_power_mgmt): read error
Log-dirty: no command yet.
I/O request not ready: 0, ptr: 0, port: 0, data: 0, count: 0, size: 0
vcpu-set: watch node error.
char device redirected to /dev/pts/3
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xs_read(/local/domain/2/log-throttling): read error
qemu: ignoring not-understood drive `/local/domain/2/log-throttling'
medium change watch on `/local/domain/2/log-throttling' - unknown
device, ignored
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
xen be: console-0: xen be: console-0: initialise() failed
initialise() failed
cirrus vga map change while on lfb mode
mapping vram to f0000000 - f0400000
platform_fixed_ioport: changed ro/rw state of ROM memory area. now is rw state.
platform_fixed_ioport: changed ro/rw state of ROM memory area. now is ro state.

Any idea?

Thank you very much for helping me.

-- Marco

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