[fedora-virt] No keyboard with Spice/qxl...

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Thu Mar 8 06:35:56 UTC 2012

On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 11:49:53PM +0200, Georgios Petasis wrote:
> Στις 7/3/2012 22:13, ο/η Alon Levy έγραψε:
> >sudo yum install tcpdump
> >sudo tcpdump -i lo -w /tmp/spice.cap
> >
> >hopefully that file will be small (you only need a few seconds of
> >capture for the key presses and virt-manager spice connection, i.e.
> >window open). compress it if it's too large.
> Dear Alon,
> I have placed the results here:
> http://server.intellitech.gr/spice.cap
> It does look like a binary file. Is it supposed to be this way?

Yes. Actually the file ending should have been pcap. It's a standard
format for network captures which I can read with wireshark with the
spice dissector and look for the key presses, just trying to figure out
if it's a problem at the client side or server/qemu side.

> Regards,
> George

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