[fedora-virt] sparc?

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Sun Feb 3 19:38:46 UTC 2013

On 02/03/2013 02:28 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> I see qemu-system-sparc installed in fedora 18, so I'm now
> curious:
> If I DDed the disk from an old sun workstation we have
> could I go into virt-manager and create a new virtual
> machine pointing at that disk image and saying it is
> a sparc architecture?
> Or is it still more complicated than that to get
> anything other than x86 architectures to run? (Yes,
> I know it would be slow even if it did work :-).

libvirt/virt-manager generally have problems building command lines for
non-x86 guests. PPC and s390 have had some specific work, but I know arm still
has issues. Some of this is virt-manager specifying a non-working config, and
some of it is libvirt hardcoding x86 cli assumptions. Nothing is fundamentally
broken though, just no one has done the work.

And then there's the question of qemu-system-sparc even working. I know people
do use and test it upstream but it doesn't see wide usage, and I wouldn't be
surprised if it's only tested with a narrow band of input.

But I'd be interested to hear your results if you give it a shot :) I'm sure
the qemu guys would as well. And even a bug report if it fails with
virt-manager would be useful.


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