
Pablo Barrera Franco [Fedora Ambassador] pablo at
Wed Feb 8 03:38:46 UTC 2006

Saturday or Sunday could be an option

Best regards

Patrick Barnes wrote:

>Since few people have shown interest in our current meeting time, and many 
>people, including myself, have had problems with the time, meetings are 
>suspended until we can decide on a meeting time that works.
>I know that many of you are very busy and have little time for another 
>meeting, but we can try to find a time or times that are easier for everyone 
>to attend.  I know that part of the problem is that there isn't much to 
>discuss.  After our CMS is up and running, I'm sure we'll have more to talk 
>It seems that Tuesdays are a bad day for a lot of people.  Many of the current 
>meetings take place on Thursdays, and we could use another day entirely.
>Lets kick off the discussion with availability.
>I am at UTC-6.  I can attend just about any time Saturdays and Sundays, and 
>can attend most times that do not conflict with 1500-0200 UTC the rest of the 
>week.  During those times, I can't be certain I will be able to attend, as my 
>work may conflict, but I can try.  I have set aside time for meetings on 
>Thursdays, and could set aside another hour for our meetings.
>What timezone are you in?  What days and times would be best for you?

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