FW: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Customer Service

Ricky Zhou ricky at fedoraproject.org
Mon Aug 27 21:56:17 UTC 2007

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 04:45:55PM -0500, Owen, Steven V wrote:
> Someone in your group is Phishing. 
> Bad, bad.
> PayPal <http://mail.dplx.com/icons/small/paypal/index.html> 
I assume that are referring to the page at http://mail.dplx.com/.

That is a test page included with our operating system; we don't
actually control the site in question.  For more information, please
refer to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ServerTestPage.

In the future, it might be better to contact their ISP's abuse address,
which can be obtained through a whois lookup of their domain.


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