My website

Ricky Zhou ricky.zhou at
Wed Aug 29 06:03:27 UTC 2007

On Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 07:51:02AM +0200, jevegter at wrote:
> My website  is gone , I am getting  your Fedora page  first  yesterday.
> Now I am  only getting a blank page  and no way that the homepage can be upoaded again .
> I amhiring space at Flexweb , all my other sites that go by Flexweb  are still  working normally .
> So  what is going on that we cannot  put our website back  online ?
That is a test page included with our operating system; we don't
actually control your website.  For more information, please refer to

In this case, you should contact your web host's support, as only they
can make the necessary configuration changes to remove the test page.  

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