Website update

Ricky Zhou ricky at
Wed May 16 00:38:48 UTC 2007

Karsten Wade wrote:
> At the bottom, under "Add new membership", request the group
> 'cvsfedora'.  I don't have access to approve for that group, but someone
> such as Mike does.  Once approved, you have to wait for the cronjob to
> run (hourly, iirc.)
OK- I've requested to join cvsfedora- I can import the files once I'm
approved.  Are there any special considerations that I should make with
file paths/URLs in the file?  I usually like to stay relative to the
serverroot, but in this case, I made everything relative to the file's
location for easier editing/moving, etc.

Side note: If/when I have access, can I commit that wiki patch to
kindofblue as well?  People can then do further testing before making it


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