If Welcome Wizard project is successfully completed, what will its impact

Eranda Sooriyabandara 070468d at gmail.com
Wed May 19 03:57:26 UTC 2010

I am a student in Sri Lanka and I am interested in the project Welcome
Wizard which you select as a FSoC project.
I think the impact of this will be on the users and the involver who like to
join fedora. Usually one who like to get registered usually bother about the
user interface, user friendliness and the guidance for the registration.
With my experience most registration retarded  because of the lack of above
reasons. So the main target of this project should be focussed on them.
After this project what we can expect
         1. community growth
         2. new ideas ideas from new people
         3. comments on the existing ideas
If I am summarize this project can improve the interaction and the
involvement of the fedora users.
What are your ideas?
Eranda Sooriyabandara
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