Creating a new ticket is impossible because registering a new user is impossible

Geoffrey ge0ffrey.spam at
Tue Oct 12 09:15:09 UTC 2010


On the bottom of this page:
it says:


     * ...
     * Create a new ticket

Which links to this page:
Where I get:
   TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation
Which is probably because I am not logged in.
But I cannot register as a new user, so I cannot log in, so I cannot 
create a new issue.

After some digging around, I only found this e-mail to contact, could 
you please forward this to the correct person?

PS, here are the issues/tickets I want to create:
- [Bug] On Windows Vista the liveusb-creator does not work if you do not 
"run it as administrator" and there is no indication that you should 
"run it as administrator"
- [Improvement] Please provide a tar.gz with an u+x file (for example an 
sh script) that runs on any linux (including specifically Ubuntu Linux), 
not just the source because building from source hardly ever works on a 
random distro (pyton dependencies and whatnot missing)
- [Wish] Provide a .deb for Ubuntu Linux to facilitate people moving 
from Ubuntu to Fedora

With kind regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,
Geoffrey De Smet

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