Please add public gpg for F-14 s390x to

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Thu Jan 13 21:04:43 UTC 2011

Karsten Hopp wrote:
> No, the request really came from me. But thanks for checking instead
> of blindly adding a potential dangerous key to the official list !

And yet paranoia and GPG don't usually mix. :)

> I have no idea how I ended ub with a sub-key. I've followed the
> guide (1) to set up a signing server with sigul and let sigul create
> the key instead of running gpg manually.

Ahh.  No worries.  The key looks like the EPEL one, so perhaps the
sigul defaults do that.  How the Fedora keys are generated with
different settings via sigul, I don't know.

I'll get things added though, unless you want to poke around and
generate a different key.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Never was a government that was not composed of liars, malefactors and
    -- Cicero, last Free Consul of Rome

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