Who should I contact?

Misha Shnurapet shnurapet at fedoraproject.org
Sat May 14 08:07:41 UTC 2011

14.05.2011, 07:41, "TGuns" <tgns67 at gmail.com>:
> The web site located here, http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora says, "Take Fedora for a test drive, and if you like it, you can install Fedora directly to your hard drive straight from the Live Media desktop if you like."I can not find a single piece of information that tells me how.
> The document found at the link that says, "To install Fedora using a blank CD or DVD, follow these instructions." stops short of installing Fedora. It simply tells us how to turn the iso image into a working cd.
> So where is the document that tells us how to "...test drive..." and "...install Fedora directly to your hard drive straight from the Live Media desktop if you like?"
> Damned if I can find them!?!?
> If Fedora is anything like your web site (vague) then I'm not even gonna bother.
> Tom

Hi, Tom. :)

An "Installable Live Media" means you can boot the CD and get a complete working desktop running off that CD untill next reboot. This is where you can "test drive", and it won't touch your hard drives and the existing installation. I guess it isn't explained because the term "live media" is pretty common among the GNU/Linux distros. However, your email has shown the need for an explanation to be put on the site. I'm sorry that it made you wonder.

It isn't very vague if you boot that CD you make. Besides that it's a good chance to play with an authentic GNU/Linux desktop and to see what Fedora is like, there would be an icon by clicking on which you may install it if you like. To my mind, live media is pretty much fun, and I hope that you give it a try.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org, GPG: 00217306

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