Landing page for

Ralph Bean rbean at
Fri Nov 2 15:35:51 UTC 2012

On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 10:41:58AM -0400, Ryan wrote:
> However, looking at this, there are some items in some of the trees that are
> kinda members of more than one tree. Take bohdi for example, both packagers
> and community members that are using updates-testing and adding karma use
> bohdi.

Well, the underlying javascript tech doesn't handle trees crossing
into one another very well.

Some easy-fix ideas:

 - We could duplicate the entries like Bodhi so that they appear in multiple
 - We could reorganize the subtrees along different terms.  Instead of
   being User-Type-centric (i.e. are you a Packager?  are you a
   Contributor?) we could make it Object-centric (i.e. does this app
   deal with packages?  with documents?  with servers?).  That might
   help streamline the distinctions.

I dunno, I kind of like it the way it is.  I don't think that
experienced contributors will necessarily be deterred from checking
out Tagger just because its under the "For New People" section.

Given some sweat and a good chunk of time, we could probably implement
something that looks just like the Venn diagram with nice little
animations; that is, if we really do need to represent all the different

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