fedora.next, ideas for the websites

Sijis Aviles sijis at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jan 25 19:44:41 UTC 2014


This is great to bring his up now and as early as possible.

I'll try to be brief and concise.

I do like the 3 column layout, like piano keys. Each key would be for
one product (base, workstation, server, etc) and have quick links for
download and iso size. Clicking on the key would go their respective
page/section with details and different supported plaforms and the
like (maybe fp.o/<product>/.

I do think we should drop the /using/ section and have fedoramagazine
or planet (filtered by tags) to fill that space.

The 'features and screenshot' sections should be moved into more
specific product pages, as it would no longer apply to all products.

The areas community, help and contributors should be left alone but
obviously cleaned up.

On the tech side, maybe we should use bootstrap? It has a similar
concept an 960 and it looks like it has some nice features we can use
to keep our dev quicker.



On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:45 AM, Robert Mayr <robyduck at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know it's rather early, but the WG decisions are going more concrete
> every week, so we could start to collect ideas of how to make the
> websites look like and what would be the best solution to keep the
> pages user-friendly, clear and informative at the same time. Once we
> have something to work on, we can open a specific trac ticket to start
> coding.
> It's also clear we depend on the marketing and design team, this means
> the earlier we have some ideas the better, because we can speak to
> them in time.
> The actual status, and for F21 we shouldn't have any surprises, is
> about 3 products:
> * Workstation
> * Server
> * Cloud
> All of them have the same Core and will be released at the same date
> (for F21). We need also to give all of these products the same
> importance.
> Pages affected by this change are mainly:
> index, get-fedora, get-fedora-all, verify, get-prerelease.
> If we look at it farther, we should also change the splash pages and
> the using and features pages (here we need marketing).
> The work for F21 Alpha (if we definitely use the new release cycle) is
> limited to the get-prerelease and verify page. There should be also a
> few adjustments on the index, IMHO.
> But the work on the get-prerelease page surely will give us the
> direction on how to present the three products, so it's rather
> important because it will be reflected afterwards in the get-fedora
> page (for final release).
> Personally I'd see a three column layout for the three products, this
> should work as entry page and once the user select the product he is
> interested in, he will be redirected to the specific page where he'll
> find also the download button. This can be a tab within the same page
> or a new page, I'd prefer a tab as it's much faster.
> I have already some doubts we need to figure out asap:
> What's with spins? Will we still have separated images? It seems not,
> but I may be totally wrong here...for all these doubts we need to have
> as many informations as possible from the WG, and FESCo filed an
> activity report to keep track of the decisions [1].
> If you have any ideas or addtions to this please add them, this topic
> should work as brainstorming and news-collector, in order to not
> forget anything important when rewriting the pages.
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1221
> --
> Robert Mayr
> (robyduck)
> --
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