[Fedora-xen] Puzzled by Xen

Benjy Grogan benjy.grogan at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 09:59:54 UTC 2006


I've read that Xen will allow servers that typically operate at 15% to
25% CPU capacity to operate at up to 80% with virtualization.  Does
that mean that CPU usage will reach 80% instead of a lowly 15% to 25%?
 Does CPU capacity equate CPU usage?  Instead of putting more work on
different host OSes within Xen why not put all of that work in one
single OS to achieve that 80% CPU usage?

I've been reading up on Xen, and still this basic question puzzles me.
 Is there something that I'm not getting about virtualization?


PS: To me CPU usage is when you look at the system monitor and see the load.

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