[Fedora-xen] two fully virtualized systems crashing

Matthias Bayer matbayer.web at web.de
Tue Apr 11 14:05:32 UTC 2006


i have serveral DomU's running under Xen xen-3.0.1-4 kernel-xen0-2.6.16-1.2080_FC5.
i have paravirtualized and fully virtualized systems (windows and linux).
now the problem is whenever i start 2 fully virtualized systems in parallel (first start one then if this runs try to start the other one) the computer completely crashes and reboots, no more log entries... nothing.

does anybody now how to debug such a problem ? 

for couriosity this occurs only on one system, i have a second system with a very similar setup and here i can start 2 fully virtualized (windows) systems in parallel without problem.

any ideas ?

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