[Fedora-xen] Howto build the different guest OS???

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Fri Feb 10 15:54:14 UTC 2006

On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 09:22:57AM -0600, Danny_Trinh at Dell.com wrote:
> Hello group,
> I have tested FC5 test 2 and xen. All ran very good. I want to take a
> further test that runs on a different OS guest (i.e. running FC4 guest
> OS on FC5 test2 hypervisor), but I didn't know howto build the guest OS
> yet.
> Can you guys show me how? Or can you point me to somw urls that have
> some instructions/hints/howto build the OS guests?

  For Fedora Core 4 I used the following:
then I mounted the fc4 disck in loopback and installed the guest 2.6.15
kernels in it (but there is a lot of dependancies mismatches, the only
goal was to have /lib/modules/ subtrees for xennet.ko network module).
Then I hand edited a /etc/xen/fc4 configuration file using the path
to those modules.
I don't think there is really a clean way which will work in many cases
unfortunately, with paravirtualization you end up mixing things from
the Dom0 OS and from the DomU one.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat http://redhat.com/
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