[Fedora-xen] Basic FC5t3 Xen questions

Ben bench at silentmedia.com
Thu Feb 23 16:31:05 UTC 2006

On Feb 22, 2006, at 1:59 PM, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:

>> 1. it really wants to use file-backed domains. I want to use LVM-
>> backed domains.
> There's no such restriction; does the documentation imply that?  I use
> LVM volumes for my guest domain installs with xenguest-install.py all
> the time (in fact it is ages since I used a file for the backing  
> store.)

No, the docs don't imply it at all. But the script itself only seems  
to have flags for files, and appears to create the xen config file as  
if my block device was a normal file, not a block device. Then again,  
I'm new to xen so maybe I'm reading things wrong.

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