[Fedora-xen] documentation/packages for xen on FC 5?

Stuart Ellis stuart at elsn.org
Thu Jan 19 22:56:57 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 09:32 -0500, Sam Folk-Williams wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get up to speed on xen from a user/support perspective.
> I've found the howto for FC 4 (and the link to the packages on Riel's
> people page) very helpful. Is there something similar for FC 5?
> Generally I'm wondering if the packages installed via yum from the main
> devel repos will work, or if someone has a link to packages for FC5.
> Also, would be more than happy to help contribute to documentation for
> the project.

As far as I'm aware, the wiki page is pretty much it at the moment, so
more would be great.

The page here explains how to sign up:



Stuart Ellis

stuart at elsn.org

Fedora Documentation Project: http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/docs/

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