[Fedora-xen] Hang when starting xenU using riel's packages

Stephen Tweedie sct at redhat.com
Fri Jan 20 19:43:20 UTC 2006


On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 11:52:30PM +0800, Yip Wai Peng wrote:
> I am using kernel-xenU, kernel-xen0, and xen-3 from 
> http://people.redhat.com/~riel/xen_for_fc4/. xen0 boots up fine, but when I 
> start xenU, it hangs at the below screen. I have already moved /lib/tls out 
> of the way.
> ---------
>   ***************************************************************
>   ***************************************************************
>   ** WARNING: Currently emulating unsupported memory accesses  **
>   **          in /lib/tls libraries. The emulation is very     **
>   **          slow. To ensure full performance you should      **
>   **          execute the following as root:                   **
>   **          mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled                    **
>   ** Offending process: init (pid=1)                           **
>   ***************************************************************
>   ***************************************************************

That message is OK --- this just turns up when the Xen kernel comes
across a statically linked binary.  The distro now has magic to
disable tls dynamically at run time for Xen kernels, but that depends
on running shared libraries, so static binaries still trigger the tls
warning.  We have disabled the tls warning in the fc5t2 xen kernels
for this reason.

The hang is more worrying ---  things are supposed to continue after a
5-second timeout after that message, so a hang implies that timers
aren't working properly.  Can you reproduce this on fc5t2, which has a
MUCH newer xen HV/tools/kernel combination? 


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