[Fedora-xen] FC4 on a FC5 Xen System

Mito mito at chartermi.net
Mon Jun 5 13:23:57 UTC 2006

I'm still a beginner in the world of Xen, but I did dive in pretty hard
right away and learned a few good tricks.  This page is a page of notes I
took for myself for setting up exactly what you're trying to setup, a FC4
domU on a FC5 dom0.


Mine too was necessary to for my mailserver (Scalix) to work, and it works
perfectly in this environment.  I am still tweaking with the IP-Tables
portion of the NAT networking, but it is working.

Hope this can be of some help.


-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-xen-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:fedora-xen-bounces at redhat.com]
On Behalf Of Eredicator X
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 1:42 AM
To: fedora-xen at redhat.com
Subject: [Fedora-xen] FC4 on a FC5 Xen System

I am trying to install a FC4 domain on my Xen FC5 system that has several
FC5 domains already running well.

I get through the install questions and then am told that my url is invalid.
I thought it was my tree so I made another ... then tested that with a FC4
install on a separate box and it works fine. I don't see any hints in the
logs and if I switch to my FC5 tree the install takes off with out a

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or some reference for this.... I have
googled around quite a bit and not found anything at this time...... 

Thanks all help is appreciated. 


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