[Fedora-xen] FC4 on a FC5 Xen System

Stephen C. Tweedie sct at redhat.com
Tue Jun 6 17:24:14 UTC 2006


On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 08:43 -0400, Mito wrote:

> So, I decided to torture myself, and came up with this process (which really
> isn't that big of a deal, the most torture is the actual setup of the domU,
> the Xen and dom0 setup was pretty painless).  When installing via source,
> all I had to do was make sure that the modules needed to run NAT were
> included in the kernel, and the NAT networking worked perfectly first try.

What exactly did you need to add?  We may be able to turn them on in the
mainline kernel builds.


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