[Fedora-xen] Upgrade FC5 Xen -> FC6

Russell McOrmond russell at flora.ca
Fri Nov 10 17:50:48 UTC 2006

Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> Then again, some people may like to have a single kernel image in the Dom0
> whcih they use to  boot all their guest images. If you want to manage your
> guests that way, simply add the 'kernel=/foo/bar/wizz' parameter to the
> guest config, and remove the pygrub config option.

Quick note:  This assumes a statically linked kernel.  You still have to 
install the matching kernel modules into the guest filesystem, and IMHO 
the easiest way to do that is to just install the kernel package that 
contains them.

   I really believe that for the average setup that pygrub is a great 
time saver.  I just wish it were finished and had some of the missing 
features that grub has (IE: ability to on-the-fly edit a config and 
boot, which avoids having to fiddle with the Xen config in order to go 
into single user mode.

  Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
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