[Fedora-xen] announce: gnome-applet-vm 0.1.2

Karel Zak kzak at redhat.com
Mon Nov 13 14:02:43 UTC 2006

 I have just pushed out a new 0.1.2 version of the VM Applet. The
 changes/features are:

    - removed dependence on dbus libs
    - improved collaboration with virt-manager (you have use the 
      latest version of virt-manager)
    - fixed few minor bugs

 Web page:


 TODO for next release(s):

    - finalize support for more hypervisors (the applet should be able to
      monitor cluster of VM machines on more hosts in same time)
    - alarm on important changes (domain create, destrory, ...)
    - keep track of important changes

 I welcome your feedback! Send me your comments, ideas for
 enhancements or bug reports.


 Karel Zak  <kzak at redhat.com>

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