[Fedora-xen] Win Xp 32 bit as guest in

Denis Forveille denis.forveille at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 03:24:26 UTC 2006

Thanks for your answer,

When I pressed F5, i saw the display you're talking about (choose 
between different hardware infrastructure). But as someone already 
mentioned in another post, I was unable to use the keyboard to make a 
So I installed the qemu package (yum install qemu.x86_64) an then 
install XP SP2 with qemu with the following command (for documentation):

qemu -cdrom /dev/dvd -m 512 -boot d -hda /dev/vg_domU/lv_windows

There, I was able to use my keyboard to choose an architecture (after 
having pressed F5...). Ichoose "Standard PC" as you suggest.
Whence windows has been installed (took a looong time), I can now start 
my guest with xen...

I count 2 (minor?) bugs there: the bad architecture detection, and the 
incapacity to use the keyboard after pressing F5 on the "..preess F6.." 

Thanks very much for your help
I now have to find a way to make my DVD Writer available to this win 
guest, but i read elsewhere that this is not possible, even with a full 
virtualized guest...it it?

David Parsley wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> On 11/12/06, Denis Forveille <denis.forveille at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Q:
>> - is it possible to run an instance of Win XP SP2 32bits as a guest on a
>> x86_64 FC6 fully updated dom0? (CPU = AMD x2 4600 with pacifica...)
>> I successfully installed Win XP in an lvm logical volume. Everything
>> worked fine and at the end, I got the request from XP asking to remove
>> the CD and reboot...
>> Then, when I try to start the guest (after changing the line from boot=d
>> to boot=c in the config file), the only thing I see is a black screen.
>> (the windows resize itself and then a black screen...)
>> "xm top" shows that the guest consumes 0% CPU...
>> I think I've tried almost every combination of parameters in the config
>> files (pae, acpi,sdl...) during installation and after...
>> Also, I've seen that others have post similar problems in this forum,
>> but none of them have answers/workarounds to my problem.
>> Does anyone succeeded in running such a combination (ie XP SP2 32 bits
>> in a 64bit FC6)?
>> Or maybe the problems comes from the fcat that I installed windows in an
>> lvm instead of in a file?
>> Thx in advance
> I had this problem, too - the solution was re-installing WinXP, and,
> when the installer asks you to press 'F6' for addtional drivers, press
> 'F5' instead.  Then select 'Standard PC ...'
> My XP VM runs in either FC6 32 or FC6 64, pretty well.  Hopefully
> future versions of Xen won't require this workaround.
> Regards,
> David

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