[Fedora-xen] virt-manager gives "The console is currentlyunavailable" in FC6

Ranganathan, Shobha shobha.ranganathan at intel.com
Wed Nov 15 01:45:17 UTC 2006

Anyway I'd suggest:
- Check that you can ping localhost
I could ping the localhost

- Check there's a localhost entry in /etc/hosts associated with
(and not with ::1)
I have two entries one with and ::1. I went ahead and
commented out  ::1 entry
- Run "netstat -antp" to see what ports programs are listening on
I see various services on IP address of the local host 172.xx.xx.xx and and ::22 and ::1 and

I see sshd, cupsd and hpiod running with local address as ::22, ::1 and

Shobha Ranganathan
"The significant challenges we face cannot be resolved at the same level
of thinking we were at when we created them." Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-xen-bounces at redhat.com
[mailto:fedora-xen-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Daniel P. Berrange
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:28 PM
To: Robert Thiem
Cc: fedora-xen at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Fedora-xen] virt-manager gives "The console is
currentlyunavailable" in FC6

On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 11:23:20AM +1000, Robert Thiem wrote:
> When first setting up FC6 I had an issue where I could start an FC6
> guest install but couldn't connect with VNC.
> I don't know if it's the same (I can't remember the exact messages I
> getting), but it ended up being that "localhost" wouldn't resolve to
> IPv4 address. This was due to a nasty combination of anaconda putting
> and v6 entries in /etc/hosts and system-config-network trimming the
> "extra" v4 entry when run.
> Anyway I'd suggest:
> - Check that you can ping localhost
> - Check there's a localhost entry in /etc/hosts associated with
> (and not with ::1)
> - Run "netstat -antp" to see what ports programs are listening on

Ahhh, that would certainly make sense - virt-manager explicitly connects
to 'localhost' when opening the VNC connection. Since the VNC server
doesn't support IPv6, I think it'd be fairly safe for me to switch
virt-manager to explicitly use ''  which would eliminate this
particularly /etc/hosts issue.

Thanks for the info about the issue.

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