[Fedora-xen] FC6 w updates: xenguest-install.py hangs on Dell poweredge

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Mon Nov 20 18:34:06 UTC 2006

I again have the problem that the installer hangs while installing a
xenu. The symptoms are that the last you see is the

"Starting install process.  This may take several minutes..."

I can still send a shutdown over the xm command. "xm top" shows no CPU
usage whatsoever. I gave it a GB of ram and it reports only using 25%.

It's a stock install, with all options unselected, "customize" picked,
and all options again unselected, using the default partition scheme on a
4GB diskfile. With selinux disabled on the dom0.

The hardware is a Dell poweredge (I believe an 850), with a single P4,
4GB of ram and SATA disks.

The dom0 is a i386 image install of FC6 with all updates.


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