[Fedora-xen] FC6 w updates: xenguest-install.py hangs on Dell poweredge

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Mon Nov 20 19:36:28 UTC 2006

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Paul Wouters wrote:

> xenguest-install -n ftp.xtdnet.nl -f /children/ftp.xtdnet.nl/ftp.xtdnet.nl.img --nographics -p -l ftp://dl.xs4all.nl/pub/mirror/fedora/core/6/i386/os/ -x "noacpi noapic" -r 1024
> (the noapic noacpi was a test in the hope tht it would fix my issue).
> Also, I can still do xm shutdown and then I see the system halting.

Using kpartx and losetup, I checked the filesystems. They hasn't been
any writing apart from formatting done to the disk. So no logfiles of
the anaconda installer to see what went wrong either :


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