[Fedora-xen] What's the Pre-requisites for virt-manager

Henry Zhang Hua.Zhang at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 24 02:52:13 UTC 2006

Thanks Dan, please see comments below.. :)

Daniel P. Berrange 写道:
> On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 07:54:24PM +0800, Henry Zhang wrote:
>> hi Daniel,
>> From the webpage, I can see that dbus and gnome-python-desktop are 
>> optional, but when our release engineer try to build, seems they are 
>> not, so could you confirm me if we can build/run virt-manager correctly 
>> without Dbus?
> Ah, I should perhaps clarify that a little. The DBus python libraries
> are required to be present, but you don't have to have DBus running.
So can I say: Dbus is necessary one for building virt-manager, while not 
when running it?
>  If it fails to connect to the DBus daemon, the app will log a warning and
> continue.  The GNome Python Desktop stuff is competely optional - if you
> don't have the python bindings installed it will simply disable the VNC
> password saving altogether.
>> I carefully read the content in "Dbus Services", My understanding is 
>> that Dbus in virt-manager is used to make other external application 
>> call some core function, so that they can get display the window/dialog .
>> When Dbus is used?
>> "The remote control module provides the DBus service 
>> <http://virt-manager.et.redhat.com/dbusservice.html> allowing various UI 
>> functions to be controlled remotely.": My understanding for "remotely" 
>> is to run virt-manager remotely, is it correct? so will dbus only used 
>> when remotely? if some application in local machine, it may also use 
>> Dbus to run some function?
> Not quite - the intent with the DBus stuff is that if you run two copies
> of virt-manager on the same machine, 
For "two copies of virt-manager": my understanding is:
Case 1: when I login, and run %/usr/binvirt-manager, then when I run 
%/usr/bin/virt-manager in the same machine again,
the second one is the copy of first one, and just use DBus/RPC to call.
Case2: When I login machine A, run %/usr/binvirt-manager, then remotely 
access machine A through machine B,
and run %/usr/bin/virt-manager again, so in this case, the second one is 
the copy of the first one, and use Dbus/RPC.

I have to understand all of these, because we have to decide if we need 
to support these feature, and if we need integrate Dbus.
it's important to us....
> the second one will use DBus to find
> the first one & just make RPC calls to it. It also allows other applications
> within the local X desktop to control various bits of its UI. 
> Regards,
> Dan.

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