[Fedora-xen] xen networking

Mark Nielsen mnielsen at redhat.com
Mon Aug 6 15:25:37 UTC 2007

Since I have not yet been able to resolve my complex networking issues 
in RHEL 5, I decided to upgrade 1 of my cluster nodes to 5.1 beta and 
take this new libvirt networking for a spin. I'm not sure if this is 
going to make my issue easier to resolve, or add to the complexity so 
I'm writing this e-mail to hopefully get some suggestions as how to 

My network looks like this:
eth2 & eth3 comprise bond1
bond1 has bond1.48 - my public VLAN interface with an IP for dom0
bond1 has bond1.20 - my VLAN for some domU systems, dom0 has no IP on 
this VLAN
bond1 has bond1.21 - my VLAN for some domU systems, dom0 has no IP on 
this VLAN

I want to bridge to bond1.20 from some domU systems, and bond1.21 from 
other domU systems. dom0 should not have an IP on these VLANs.

1) do I need to define a network interface in 
/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/ for each VLAN? (bond1.20 and bond1.21)
 1a) If yes, do I need to have an IP address  for the bond1.20 and 
bond1.21 interface defined in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond1.20 and bond1.21?
 1b) Do I also need to define an IP address on that VLAN in the .xml 
file for that network?


2) Can I just have 1 default.xml network and then use iptables to 
forward to a specific VLAN based on bond1.20 and bond1.21 configured in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ ??

#2 would be best, if possible. Unfortunately there's not a lot of 
documentation out on the new networking methods. I've read 
but that doesn't get in to all the VLANs and bonds.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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