[Fedora-xen] Fedora Core 8 + Xenbr0 + network bridging?

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Tue Dec 4 09:08:01 UTC 2007

Dustin Henning wrote:
> 	Unfortunately, I took interest in this discussion and decided to
> mess around with it (primarily to see if there really were noticeable
> performance gains between xen's built-in bridge script and this manual
> method) even though I don't currently have a test box.  I am running F7, and
> prior to trying to do this, I had xenbr0 working fine (perhaps from
> modifying xend-config.sxp, I don't remember exactly) alongside virbr0 (which
> I didn't want, but couldn't get rid of).  I thought undonig changes would
> surely get me back to where I started, so I didn't bother with backups
> (though, admittedly, backups really equate to undoing changes, so I don't
> know what good additional copies of the files I might have backed up would
> have done).  My experience went something like this:

I don't feel like reading the rest when I can point you at a backup:-)

cd <some sandpit>

rpm2cpio <whatever.rpm | cpio --extract --make-directories

Find and copy the files you want.



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