[Fedora-xen] kvm crash on f8

John Summerfield debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Tue Dec 18 08:32:07 UTC 2007

Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> John Summerfield wrote:
>> I looked at some images in /var/lib/xen/images/ and since they have 
>> partition tables and look, to me, just like disks, I copied part of my 
>> hard disk to /var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img
>> The reason is that I want to try the Windows XP that came 
>> preinstalled, and copying /dev/sda for a length I calculated includes 
>> the entire /dev/sda1 partition seems a likely way to test it.
>> These are the commands:
>> dd if=/dev/sda of=/var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img count=76597082
>> dd of=/var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img seek=320072933376 bs=1 count=0
> I don't understand this second command.  What's the input?  Are you 
> typing something on stdin (eg. ^D)?

count=0 -- doesn't read anything.
Its purpose is to make a 320 Gbyte file, to match the source disk in
size. It becomes a sparse file, effectively with lots of zeroes between
the end of data copied with the first command.

I've since edited the partition table with GNU Parted, it now looks like
[root at potoroo ~]# parted /var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img
GNU Parted 1.8.6
Using /var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Model:  (file)
Disk /var/lib/xen/images/WindowsXP.img: 320GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
  1      32.3kB  71.3GB  71.3GB  primary  ntfs         boot

(parted) q
[root at potoroo ~]#

It approximates to how I've copied Windows systems around on real
hardware from time to time. If I were to copy that file to a real disk
and boot in real hardware, I would fully expect it to work.

how embarrassing. I needed to copy about 80 Gbytes, and only copied half 

Worse, the boot sector has grub in it.

The good news is that the system now boots grub sans menu. I typed in 
the necessary information to boot windows:
chainloader (hd0,0)+1

and windows boots all the way to a BSOD and the stuff on the screen 
recommends "chkdsk /f."

Hmm. Type to find a rescue system.



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