[Fedora-xen] Accessing data on a xen guest disk image

Mark Nielsen mnielsen at redhat.com
Sun Dec 23 02:41:28 UTC 2007

I name my VMs with VolGrp/LogVol, then I have 1 test/rescue VM that I 
create using VolGroup/LogVol. Just having that 1 VM with a different 
naming convention allows me to present any other VMs disks to my 
test/rescue VM and mount them for repairs, recoveries, etc.


Dennison Williams wrote:
> I asked this question in the fedora forums
> (http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=176102), but no one
> seemed to have a answer.
> I have installed and worked with a few different xen guests via the
> instructions at FedoraXenQuickstartFC6
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraXenQuickstartFC6). In doing this I
> installed the guests on a LVM volume and would like to access the guest
> disk image. There is documentation on howto do this in the above wiki
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraXenQuickstartFC6#head-9c5408e750e8184aece3efe822be0ef6dd1871cd).
> The problem I have is that my dom0 has the same logical and physical
> volume names for its root device as my domU (ie. VolGroup00, LogVol01).
> Does anyone know how to get around this name space collision so that I
> can mount my guest disk?
> Sincerely,
> Dennison Williams
> --
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