[Fedora-xen] Accessing data on a xen guest disk image

Mark Nielsen mnielsen at redhat.com
Sun Dec 23 22:41:29 UTC 2007

Create a new VM using a naming convention different than you do in your 
other guests/VMs/domUs for the logical volumes. Since you are using 
VolGroup/LogVol, I suggest using VolGrp/LogVol... it really doesn't 
matter. You can call it Foo00/Bar00. People seem to overlook the fact 
you can name these anything you want (within reason). You can even name 
it just like you name the logical volume for every other VM you have in 
dom0, but label it something different when you install the domU. The 
label inside dom0 is just for dom0 to track it, you label it again when 
you install the VM so the VM can track it. Basically when you install a 
VM you have a logical volume label nested in another logical volume 
label. In fact, I do this sometimes on purpose. On dom0, I label a disk 
as VolGrp00/LogVol20, then when I install the VM I label it as 
xVolGrp00/LogVol20. Then I set up filters on dom0 (/etc/lvm/lvm.conf) to 
filter out the VM disks from dom0 seeing it. (r|^x|)

Once you have the new test or recovery or utility (whatever you want to 
call it) VM, then present the disk that you want to recover as the 
recovery VMs second disk. Again, the key is to make sure whatever you 
labelled your root disk inside the VM is different. e.g.

disk   = ['phy:/dev/VolGrp00/LogVol21,sda,w', 
'phy:/dev/VolGrp00/LogVol20,sdb,w' ]

so, LogVol20 is whatever the root disk is of the VM that you are trying 
to recover. LogVol21 is whatever the root disk is for your newly created 
VM that you are going to use for rescue. Again, you can slice off a 
logical volume in dom0 (lvcreate -L10G -n LogVol21 VolGrp00) but when 
you installed the VM, you format/label the disk inside the VM as 
something different (Foo00/Bar00, or VolGroup00/LogVolume00).

The disk you want to recover shows up as sdb, but you can also mount it 
based on the label of VolGrp00/LogVol20 because the label is there and 
not confused with the root disk of the recovery VM (Foo00/Bar00).

Then you just simply mount it to /media or /mnt or some other mount 
point you create to get data off it. Or you don't even have to mount it, 
you can just fsck it.

I've done this several times (more than I really care to remember) 
because of accidentally starting the same VM on 2 different cluster 
nodes. Imagine connecting the same disk to 2 different computers... hehe 
really messes things up good!

Happy Holidays!

Dennison Williams wrote:
> Mark Nielsen wrote:
>> Let me ask this first: what is it exactly that you are trying to do? If
>> you are trying to mount a guest disk on dom0, why?
> I am trying to recover the data located on my guest disk.  This guest
> disk is a logical volume in dom0.  The guest disk and the dom0 disk are
> managed by LVM each with the same naming convention
> (VolGroup00/LogVol0[0-1]).
>> The times I've needed to access a VMs disk has been when something
>> terrible has happened to the VM and I've needed to mount the VMs disk so
>> I can recover information of try to fsck it. I do this by having a
>> stand-by VM that uses a different naming convention that my other VMs
>> use. This way I can use my test/rescue VM to mount up the other VMs
>> disks and fsck them, or recover data from them.
> I am unclear about how I could access a LV on dom0 from a domU VM.  Can
> you explain how this would be done?

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