[Fedora-xen] fc6-xen install issues

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Mon Feb 5 20:16:20 UTC 2007

On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 07:33:03PM +0000, Evan Lavelle wrote:
> Just done an out-of-the-box installation of FC6, with 'virtualization' 
> selected. However, I was surprised to find that I've only got the Xen 
> kernel in /boot, and only the Xen option in grub.conf.
> Is this expected? Surely there should also be an unmodified kernel? I'm 
> tempted to re-install without virtualization, and to do a manual Xen 
> install, to make sure that I have a fall-back kernel.

Yes, when you select 'virtualization' you'll only get the xen-ified
kernel, no bare metal. You can easily just do 'yum install kernel'
after your initial install if you want a bare-metal fallback kernel.

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