[Fedora-xen] Running Xen on low spec single CPU

Adrian Revill adrian.revill at shazamteam.net
Mon Feb 26 09:45:17 UTC 2007

Hi Adrian,

Thx for the reply, gives me hope. As you can guess im new to Xen.

So how do you install the os into the DomU?
If i was installing from cd i could use linux text expert, but i cant 
see how to give the option to the Dom install.


Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2007, Adrian Revill wrote: 
>> I know a lot of people just see Xen as a method to use over spec'd boxes 
>> more efficiently, but im interested in using its virtulisation 
>> capabilities on low  spec systems.
>> Has any one had any luck with getting a DomU running on a single CPU.
>> I seem to get stuck during the install, as far as i can see it seems 
>> that the DomU is not being allocated CPU time.
>> Using Fedora 6, i can get through the anaconda stage in about 1/2 hr but 
>> when the X window starts the CPU use drops to near 0% and i never get 
>> past a black screen with the X cursor.
> I have no trouble with Xen on single CPU athlon machines running >10 DomU's.
> I don't run X or a framebuffer console. And my IO load is light.
> Adrian

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