[Fedora-xen] Windows on FC6 - Installation freeze

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Feb 27 15:12:21 UTC 2007

On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 04:02:59PM +0100, Abri Nation wrote:
> Hi @all,
> i have problems with installing a virtual Windows 2003 on my FC6 with XEN.
> the installation freeze during the windows setup in the section of device
> installation .
> i selected (F5) APCI-Multi-Processor cause i want to use 2 cpus in the
> Windows VM.
> i think thats one of the problems, cause if  install Widnows as a "Standard
> PC" there is no problem
> during the installation - but there it is not possible to use 2 cpus.
> The system i use: 2 Quadcore Xeon and FC6
> Do anyone got the same problems? What can i do for using Windows 2003 Server
> with more than 1 cpu?

The support for SMP  in fullvirtualized guests in Xen 3.0.3 is flaky
at best, downright broken at worst. So don't expect >1 VCPU to work
at all reliably, if at all. Xen 3.0.4  (which is in Fedora 7) has
improved SMP for HVM guests a great deal so your really best sticking
with a single VCPU in Windows 2k3 until you can update to Fedora 7.

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