[Fedora-xen] Trouble installing Windows HVM on 3.1

Ronald Warsow rwarsow at online.de
Tue Jul 10 16:20:51 UTC 2007

Johnson, Tony M wrote:
> All, 
> Whether I utilize the DVD or ISO image, once the initial setup is
> completed, rebooted and restarted, 
> I get the following pop-up: 
> "The file 'asms' on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD is needed"
> Has anyone experienced and solved this problem using x64? 

windows x64 ?
linux x64 and windows x86 ?

i compose win iso's with nlite

- unattend installs,
- all sp's/updates,
- no unneeded grap,
- no hassle with asms files/dir's
- small iso's
- ...

> Tony 


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