[Fedora-xen] No adsl in dom0 - Fedora 7

Arik Raffael Funke arik at funke.eu
Tue Jul 17 11:33:56 UTC 2007


I am having problems establishing an adsl connection in dom0 (but ONLY 
in dom0, without xen everything is ok). Following is my setup/situation:

1. Installed clean Fedora 7 (with virtualization option selected)
2. Booted with the non-xen kernel & setup adsl. Adsl connection works 
without any problems.
3. Rebooted with xen kernel into dom0.
4. adsl connection can no longer be activated

These are literally ALL the steps I took with the system. Thus, it is as 
"out of the box" as it can get.

When trying to activate the adsl-connection in the (fedora?) gnome 
network configuration utility with the "activate" button I get (after 
about 1-2 minutes):

Cannot activate network device dslModem!

and in the textbox in the error message window it says:

/usr/sbin/adsl-start: line 215:  3470 Terminated              $CONNECT 
"$@" > /dev/null 2>&1

In /var/messages it says:

Jul 17 00:08:21 gaia pppd[3494]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jul 17 00:08:21 gaia pppd[3494]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 17 00:08:21 gaia pppd[3494]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
Jul 17 00:08:52 gaia pppd[3494]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jul 17 00:08:52 gaia pppd[3494]: Connection terminated.
Jul 17 00:08:52 gaia pppd[3494]: Modem hangup
Jul 17 00:08:56 gaia pppoe[3495]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jul 17 00:08:56 gaia pppd[3494]: Exit.
Jul 17 00:08:56 gaia pppoe-connect: PPPoE connection lost; attempting 
Jul 17 00:09:01 gaia pppd[3569]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jul 17 00:09:01 gaia pppd[3569]: Using interface ppp0
Jul 17 00:09:01 gaia pppd[3569]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
Jul 17 00:09:32 gaia pppd[3569]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jul 17 00:09:32 gaia pppd[3569]: Connection terminated.
Jul 17 00:09:32 gaia pppd[3569]: Modem hangup
Jul 17 00:09:36 gaia pppoe[3570]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jul 17 00:09:36 gaia pppd[3569]: Exit.

Can anybody tell me why adsl does not work in the fedora 7 dom0? It used 
to work just fine with fedora 6. How do I get it to work?

I have however remarked another detail that I believe might be linked to 
(or the cause of?) my problem.

In dom0 when trying to bring up my adsl connection I get the following 
line before the first error occurs:

Jul 17 00:08:21 gaia pppd[3494]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1

This line puzzles me because in four years I have never seen 
"/dev/pts/1" used to connect to my adsl modem. It was ALWAYS 
"/dev/pts/0"! Of course this might a perfectly appropriate renaming of 
devices as happens a lot with xen but...

Can anybody shed any light on this?


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