[Fedora-xen] Re: No adsl in dom0 - Fedora 7

Arik Raffael Funke arik at funke.eu
Wed Jul 18 11:01:48 UTC 2007

Ronald Warsow wrote:
> Arik Raffael Funke wrote:
>> I am having problems establishing an adsl connection in dom0 (but ONLY 
>> in dom0, without xen everything is ok). Following is my setup/situation:
>> Can anybody tell me why adsl does not work in the fedora 7 dom0? It 
>> used to work just fine with fedora 6. How do I get it to work?
> did you try on the command line:
> pppoe -I eth0 -A
> to test, if you can see your Access Concentrator ?
> (assuming your network device is eth0 *and* up)

I now did. It just says:

pppoe: Timeout waiting for PADO packets

Any other ideas that might help me diagnose the problem?

- Arik

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