[Fedora-xen] Fedora 7 Update to 64bit hypervisor simple?

thewird thewird at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 22 01:29:01 UTC 2007

I've been trying to get Xen to see all my ram (28GB) and work with
32bit paravirtualized guests for the past 1.5 months. I have been
unable to do so after exhausting all the suggestions given in the
mailing lists. The closest I could get was by replacing the hypervisor
with its 64bit version manually which did work but only Fedora 7
paravirtualized guests would install.

It has been mentioned a few times here that a hypervisor update will be
made eventually to update it to a 64bit hypervisor which would allow me
to see my 28GB of ram and work with 32bit guests. I was thinking I
should just put the server live creating guests with 16GB of ram

What I wanted to know is when the update finally occurs, will I be able
to simply do a yum update, reboot, and then all 28GB of ram will show
and the previous guests will still continue to work? Will it be that
simple? Thanks.

Marco Jorge

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