[Fedora-xen] Re: Win2k3 domU has lost NIC

Andy Burns fedora.lists at burns.me.uk
Sun Jul 22 20:48:05 UTC 2007

On 22/07/07, Thomas Antony <thomas at antony.eu> wrote:

> I have the same problem with F7 x86_64 and all the windows domU's. When
> i reboot the server, every windows domU does not have a nic anymore. A
> reboot of the windows os does not help. I must shutdown the windows os,
> remove and add again a nic with virt-manager and then there is a nic
> again.

thanks, I hadn't tried to remove and re-add a new NIC, before I do
that I will run device manager with the special

"set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1"

environment variable to see if windows still knows about the NIC, but
thinks it is no longer present (maybe due to some MAC address change,
though it is present if I use virsh dumpxml)

> The paravirtualized F7 domU's are workin well.
> I think this is happening since i updated libvirt to version 0.3.0.

Not sure if this is identical to

certainly seems that whenever dom0 is rebooted the Windows domU will
loose it's NIC.

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