[Fedora-xen] No network card in Fedora 7 HVM guest

Felix Schwarz felix.schwarz at web.de
Wed Jul 25 12:24:53 UTC 2007

I running a Fedora 7/i386 (hvm) guest on a F7 x86_64 host.

The guest was created by using virt-manager so it uses the new Xen 3.1 config
system. The installation worked fine but now the network card is missing in the
DomU. Even lspci in DomU can't detect the nic although it is configured in the
Dom0 (virsh dumpxml f7_32_build):

     <interface type='bridge'>
       <source bridge='eth0'/>
       <mac address='00:16:3e:19:3c:47'/>
       <script path='vif-bridge'/>

Interestingly, this problem seems to be related to libvirt or the new config
system... I created an old-style configuration file for the domain using the
uuid/mac address from virsh dumpxml and started the guest with 'xm create' =>
the network card reappeared in DomU.

After using the old config, I deleted the old-style config file and used 'virsh
start'. => Network card is still present in DomU.

I think the problem was reported (with Windows guests) on the mailing list already:
* https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2007-July/msg00110.html
* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=247122

Loosing eth devices in DomU was reported by others too
* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=246755 (comment 3)

Any ideas how to fix this problems? Why does the nic disappear in DomU?


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