[Fedora-xen] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attepmted to kill init!

master at bradleyland.com master at bradleyland.com
Thu Jul 26 22:01:47 UTC 2007

Did you recently update the kernel? And get a new initrd as well?

I ask because from what I've seen, this is a common problem. When you
update the kernel (and a new initrd is created), the initrd doesn't get
built to include the xenblk.ko driver.

You can check by unpacking the initrd into a directory using this command:

gunzip < /boot/initrd.img |cpio -i --make-directories

Create a new directory first, cd to the directory, run the above command.
Look at the init script. Does it have the following lines in it?

echo "Loading xenblk.ko module"
insmod /lib/xenblk.ko

If not, you'll need to move xenblk.ko into the initrd directory (correct
version of course), add the above lines and repack the initrd using this

find . | cpio --quiet -co | gzip -9 > /boot/initrd-XXXXX.img

Just went through this (again) so it's fresh in my mind. I tried using the
mkinitrd command to create a proper initrd in the domU but couldn't get it
to add the xenblk driver for some reason.

If the above isn't the problem, I'll bet it's leprechauns.

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